SAVE YOUR HEALTH: GOUT, KIDNEY STONES AND BEING FAT, HIG BLOOD PRESSURE ARE ALL CONNECTED BY ONE THING: URIC ACID. The Purines in foods that trigger gout (systemic arthritis especially in the joints) contain high levels of uric acid. As time goes by and you eat a diet full of purines, the uric acid builds up in your body as systemic inflammation. Uric acid damages all of your body systems, it forces the kidneys to work overtime, and to form stones in them as well as c
rystals in your joints and organs............ It attacks all of your joints and all organs, primarily the heart and kidneys. As shown in the bottled water acidity studies, when your body becomes acidic, it creates and stores fat to neutralize the acid. It's also know that acidic body conditions and being fat (same thing) promote cancer. Most of the foods I thought were safe for kidney stones are on the gout trigger list. Gout and kidney stones interact and exacerbate each other, both put severe stress on your kidneys and cause high blood pressure and kidney failure. I learned this from the site I have linked here called 'Gout removal'. Black cherries and drinking lots of pure water help, as well as other remedies they show you. Ucenter Dress vintage and antique wears for a wedding
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Gout Untreated Complications You Need to Avoid | Gout Relief Made Easy
Many minor diseases that are ignored can lead to worse or worst health conditions. Gout untreated complications are a lot and can be