This makes me so damn mad !!! Just sets reality close to home, because it happened to my older foster sister in Michigan........Please be careful who you allow into your life, because they can turn around, and ruin all you worked hard for or try to in this occasion. A friend/sister from another foster home I grew up with,was attacked by a girl who was a relative I guess distant cousin to her from a past foster came home, when she was little. She found her on Facebook years later, and she was asked by this girl, if she could live in her home, that she had money, and needed to get away from her abusive boyfriend, and the response because she is a kind loving mother, of 3 beautiful children, she acted swiftly to help her out, and knew her story all to well. However the nightmare started, when she started noticing, the girl not being able to buy anything for herself, and not that it mattered, but food she bought for her children came up missing, and later she started noticing, it on the girls bedroom floor emptied or eaten. She noticed her deposits they save up for a camping trip, also later came up gone,as well as the change jars they save for trips completely emptied.
So she then talked to the girl about a week into her being there, and found out she was actually to embarrassed to tell her she was now broke. So being a supportive active member in the community, and knew all the right resources,where she could take her she then asked her to get ready, for the day explaining she knew where to find a job nearby. The girl suggested she would have a day off, saying she could use this day too herself, and would look in the morning to find a job, or so she claimed. After day three of being avoided she told the girl, to get ready they would go together, and before she could explain she pulled some strings, with her old boss. The girl threw down her remote towards her, and started screaming at her calling her pushy, and a controlling b***h. She shoved past her knocking her down to the ground, in front of her kids, and stormed out the door, while later receiving threats on Facebook, and text messages on her phone accusing her of being a snotty,self centered, and greedy see you next tuesday, and accusing her of wanting to reap all the benefits, from her applying for assistance.The woman then started receiving messages from a blocked number, and someone saying they were coming to kick her, and her husbands asses, but before she could gather her kids to leave, there was a loud knock on the door. It was from the police and protective services, asking for her husbands whereabouts, which made no sense, because she never even met him, but she explained he was out of town for work, and would be coming back tomorrow night. formal prom party dresses With long sleeve that look sexy
The police and CPS questioned her about verbal, sexual, physical, and emotional abuse allegations towards the girl ,then explained just hours before, they received a call accusing them both of trying to negotiate the girl into, sexual detailed favors for letting her stay, and when she refused they called her names, and knocked her onto the bedroom floor, and attempted to rape her.Luckily she told them, that the girl is crazy that the entire story, was fabricated,and just broke down into tears, when they saw the evidence, supporting her claims of innocence, it was over then.So after they finally cleared the investigation from being further pursued,they said she would be hearing from them, in the next few days, after they speak to her husband for standard protocol. However now they were in the system, and after the girl admitted to the police over the phone she did it in fear., but would not feel comfortable meeting them at the station, she lost contact with them all. She would act so innocent when the law got involved, she must have thought she was able to to manipulate, them into feeling sorry for her, and they would not press charges on her.
It is because of the lies, someone can just makeup she made her to become so afraid of life, and put havoc and strain onto her relationship, but in the long run, The woman kept feeling she would see the girl in public, and she would eventually have to see her face to face. She was afraid to go out in public, all because this woman took her in, and thought she was doing a good deed, and tried to be the one to save her life from being more stressed out, and even after the girl tried to destroy the family. After she had stole from them,after being accused of such horrid accusations, her and her husband were able to clear everything up with their name, and then too became foster parents. Not only to be there for endangered youth, but help them to become something so different from this girl, who called wolf, to get by in life.She eventually personally forgave her, and went on with her life, and later eventually found out she was arrested, in a similar situation she went so far and attacked another woman, at her children's school, and was shipped off to a different state, from finding out she had charges of stabbing a foster care mother, who went through the same thing.
This girl went all the way, to get her to look like the wife was jealous, and a drug addict all because the lady helped her out, when she also claimed she had nowhere to go, but when the girl manipulated her, to stay after she came out to be shown a complete psycho, a legit psycho, and almost got between that woman's marital life, and kids lives, while she also tried to make her out to be a monster. Luckily in both cases they saved all messages, and phone calls, and had videos from cameras,to prove when they looked into the accusations, it was shown to be false. She then was charged, but not before she skipped town, and tried going by a different last name, which her sister, saw the girl on Facebook and called authorities, they were able to catch her nearby. Lesson was learned quick, for many of these woman !!!
Never let someone get to you, where it becomes so important, that everything can be taken away,without knowing who you are dealing with I am happy about technology these days, because if the messages were not saved, and calls recorded they could have lost everything, because some stupid girl, you thought you could be nice too, and allow them into your home. I'm shaken about this, and this will be why I will not allow people in my home, it could be so hard to save your life, if the laws were persuaded, and stories twisted and so forth. So scary and although my pretty much all of these woman are ok, what if it the outcome was different, just makes me so damn mad that people can do that, and could possibly get away if technology would have not been so reliable !!! Please copy and paste to spread the word, and hope to help people think twice before saying yes so quickly, because even though the heart is thinking of bringing good fortune to those less fortunate, it could cost you everything.