So I don't normally "air my laundry" online but rather then informing you all one by one etc.
I have developed a pregnancy rash. After testing last week my results APPEAR to be that of cholestasis of pregnancy. Although my OBGYN is out until tomorrow and I have not gotten official diagnosis, my results show thats what it is. mother of the brides garments for a beach wedding
I have an appointment on friday for further testing etc, but am trying to be seen tomorrow for a more official diagnosis.
My Baby sprinkle is this weekend , and although i'm super excited to see everyone, I cant help but feel worried about whats to come. Especially as i'm still waiting on the OFFICIAL word.
Here's a brief picture about Cholestasis and what i could should and probably will expect over the next few weeks.
For those of you who want to help, there's nothing that can be done besides positive thoughts and love. If you'd like here's my registry link.
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