I need help with a blind pimple TL;DR: Big blind pimple on cheek won't come to a head even with daily warm compresses. It's getting wider and not coming to a head. Help!WHOLE STORY: So I was an idiot and after about a year of no dairy started cheating. It was fine for a month when I had the occasional mac n cheese. But then when I ate a cheesy hotpocket like an idiot, I got a few blind pimples that popped up almost overnight.There were 2 big ones that were causing me problems
. One on my forehead and one on my cheek. The one on my forehead got bigger faster, and about 2 days after appearing was already coming to a head. It started to hurt too much (so even though I shouldn't) I poked it with a needle and drained it.To my surprise it cleared up that day... Except for the scab which is still there almost 4 days later. Still beats a big swollen red lump though!And now my current problem: the once on my cheek. This fucker has been growing and growing for 5 days or so and hasn't come to a head. I've been icing it daily for 30 minutes (10 min on 5 min off) and that only helps temporarily. I've also been using a warm compress daily, and putting BHA gel on it every night.The damn thing won't come to a head and it's getting VERY big in diameter and in height. I've also tried using witch hazel on it as a moisturizer, and I haven't been drowning it in benzyl peroxide because in my experience that doesn't help and just dries the skin over it. I could really use some tips! two piece items to wear in the formal occasions
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